VDL CropTeq Robotics,
your platform provider for

We are practical and think in solutions.
Convert ideas into results.
Translate knowledge into technology.
Apply technology in innovations.
We help entrepreneurs in horticulture and agriculture.


VDL ETG Projects

VDL CropTeq Robotics is a trade name of VDL ETG Projects.

VDL ETG Projects works as 1st tier for OEMs in industrial mechanization and machine building. Within this organization there is a strong focus on autonomous robotics.

With VDL CroptTeq Robotics as a trade name, we stimulate the necessary automation in horticulture and agriculture in the Netherlands. With the focus on FoodTech, VDL wants to accelerate innovations and improve the business operations of growers and farmers. VDL wants to make a contribution with foodtech to provide a fast-growing world population with high-quality and safe food.

Our development are done together with specialised partners and support of the innovation eco systems like "Hightech NxtGen" and "Opzuid program".


